Grassroot Projects empowers under-resourced immigrant children in the Seattle and Indianapolis areas.
For immigrant, refugee, and families in the U.S., parents are most concerned with meeting their children's needs for food and clothing. Children are affected the most as they learn to live away from the place they called home. Our custom care packages are tailored to families’ basic needs, whether they’ve recently arrived or have been here for years. In addition, our Sponsor a Passion program helps children thrive through funding summer camps, tutoring, music lessons, and sports team fees. |
The children of refugees and immigrants are the multilingual community leaders of tomorrow and will compose a substantial part of the future workforce. Today, they account for 25% of the United States population.
Many immigrants, including immigrants lawfully present in the U.S., have restricted eligibility for anti-poverty programs, which hurts their citizen children. Even when families meet eligibility criteria—such as being low-income and working—children in immigrant families have restricted access because the safety net is tied not to the child’s needs, but to the parent’s immigration status.
In the context of their families and communities, Grassroot Projects supports children to have an equitable opportunity for healthy development and learning.
Many immigrants, including immigrants lawfully present in the U.S., have restricted eligibility for anti-poverty programs, which hurts their citizen children. Even when families meet eligibility criteria—such as being low-income and working—children in immigrant families have restricted access because the safety net is tied not to the child’s needs, but to the parent’s immigration status.
In the context of their families and communities, Grassroot Projects supports children to have an equitable opportunity for healthy development and learning.
Meet Aina, a mother of three from Nigeria. She arrived in Indianapolis several years ago and we provided her children with shoes, clothes, diapers, car seats, toys, and books. Click the video to hear Aina's inspirational message of gratitude.